How will CACFP benefit the children in my In-Home Childcare?
Reasonable rates - No need to pass all of your food costs on to the parents.
Confidence - Parents know that you have a registered child development home and their children will receive good nutrition.
Parents will receive one of the few governmental supports of quality childcare.
Nutrition - Good nutrition assists in proper growth and development.
Learning - Children can participate in activities about food and nutrition.
Routine - Children with a healthy diet and routines that affect eating, sleeping and playing are likely to be good-natured and sociable.
Cash reimbursement - Receive monthly payment to supplement your income.
Training - Nutrition training and on-site consultations.
Newsletter - Food activities and ideas, other childcare information.
Professionalism - Parents see you as a professional; your records will be in order, and you gain increased self-esteem from knowing you provide nutritious meals and snacks.
Free Online Claiming - Cut down on paperwork by submitting your claims online.

CACFP promotes good nutrition, positive eating habits and attitudes for children in regulated childcare facilities. Childcare providers are given nutritional consultation and menu reviews through meal cost reimbursement. CACFP staff performs in-service training, on-site visits, safety, sanitation inspections, and record-keeping reviews. Participation is open to registered home providers.

Encouraging Vegetables
If your child is like many preschoolers, he or she probably doesn’t eat enough vegetables each day. Many children this age can be “choosy” eaters. It can take children 10 or more tries before they like a new food. Keep trying. Your efforts will help your child have healthier eating habits later

Did you know that some child care sites participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)? Meals and snacks served through the CACFP help give preschoolers the nutrients they need to learn, grow, and be healthy. They provide a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean protein foods. They also offer water throughout the day.